Gold Sponsor Registration Form
Gold Sponsor: Rate TK 5,00,000/- (U$$5,000.00) with 3 Stalls & 5 Delegates’ registration free.
Last date of confirmation: January 31, 2023
Contact Person: Fakhrul Islam, Executive Director, BSA
Mobile: +88 01844514621, E-mail:bsabd.2000@gmail.com, ed@bsabd.orgPayment Options:
- Cash Deposit, Bank Transfer, Pay Order, Bank Draft etc.
- Name of Account: Bangladesh Seed Association
- Name of the Bank: Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd.
- Name of Branch: Monipuripara,Sub-Branch, Dhaka-1215.
- Account Number: 20507140200058013
- Routing Number: 125261458
- Swift Code: IBBLBDDH
- Bkash(Merchant)/Nagad/Rocket Number: +88 01844514630